N O N - P R O F I T , V O L U N T A R Y A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T F O C U S | S I N C E 1 9 7 3
Human Resource Management Profession.
Papua New Guinea Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI) will assist you build a career in Human Resource Management. Career in Human Resource Management is one of the fastest growing professions in the world and in Papua New Guinea.
PNGHRI has programs from Diploma to Masters Degree with University of Papua New Guinea and is considering PhD scholarships in the near future in partnerships with other universities and both PNG and overseas. Average pay of Human Resource Management is K100,000.00 per year.
PNG Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI) Advance Diploma Human Resource Management Program.
The Papua New Guinea Human Resource Institute will be offering the Advance Program in Human Resource Management as part of its initiative to develop a stream of Human Resource Management talent pool for the Human Resource workforce in Papua New Guinea. This program compliments existing Degree and Masters programs already offered in partnership with University of Papua New Guinea.
This program is offered for Grade 12 School Leavers based only in Port Moresby who have completed secondary school education in the last few years.
PNGHRI Advance Diploma in HRM Program Structure
Certificate In Human Resource Management (20 Weeks)
Term 1 (10 weeks)
Personal Viability and effective communication
Professionalism and Personal Ethics
Study skills, academic research, academic writing skills
Human Resource Principles
Term 2 (10 weeks)
History and Evolution and Development of Human Resource Management
Recruitment and Selection and Contracting
Salaries, Wages, Benefits and Income Tax
OHS and Duty of Care Responsibilities
Advance Certificate in Human Resource Management (20 weeks)
Term 3 (10 weeks)
Organizational Restructure and Job Design
Redundancy, Termination and Resignation
Performance Management
Training and Development and Training Needs Assessment
Term 4 (10 Weeks)
Human Resource Planning And Budgeting
PNG Human Resource Policy Formulation and Standards
Human Resource Administration and Services.
Employee Relations and Affirmative Actions.
Diploma in Human Resource Management (20 weeks)
Term 5 (10 weeks)
International Labor Standards (ILO)
PNG Constitutional Provisions for Human Rights and Employment
PNG Employment Act
PNG Public Service Management Act
PNG Industrial Relations Act.
Term 6 (10 Weeks)
PNG Non-Citizen Employment Act
Industrial Safety and Welfare Act
Minimum Wages Determination and Income Tax Act
PNG Government General Orders and Standards
Human Resource Information System and Human Resource Data Analytics.
Advance Diploma in Human Resource Management (20 Weeks)
Term 7 (10 weeks)
Advance PNG Human Resource Laws
Culture and Change Management
Applied Accounting and Finance for Human Resource Management
Human Resource Project Management and Reporting
The Future of Human Resource Management.
Week 8 (10 weeks)
Strategic Human Resource Planning and Management
Leadership, Management and Supervision
Business Communication and Human Resource Reporting
Good Corporate Governance, Citizenship and Employer Branding
Preparing for Work, Career Planning and Personal Professional Branding.
Program Eligibility
Grade 12 Certificate. Any subjects without Fail.
Residents of NCD and Central Province.
Options for Applicants Currently Working
After hours Diploma Programs for Grade 10 (5 years experience) and Grade 12 Leavers with work experience (or currently working).
Program Duration
Program duration is 2 years or 80 weeks. There are 4 sub programs of 4 terms. Each term is 10 weeks long.
Professional Recognition
Professional Membership with the PNG Human Resource Management Institute. Classification starts at student member and advance to affiliate membership level.
Future Qualification Pathways
Pathway leading to Bachelor of Business Management Degree in Human Resource Management with University of Papua New Guinea and Masters Degree in Human Resource Management. PhD Scholarships to be introduced in due course.
About PNG Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI)
PNG Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI) is an incorporated Professional Association. It does not operate to make profit nor pay dividend.
PHG Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI) is an affiliate of the Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Managers and the World Federation of People Managers. PNGHRI is a non-profit, Non-government peak professional association, committed to professional excellence. Owned and run by members.