Associate Degree in Human Resource Management 


Application Closes: Friday 05th January 2024

 Registration : Monday 08th – Friday 12th January 2024 

Classes start : 15th January 2024 

Admission Requirement

Participants must have completed Grade 12 secondary education without fail or have graduated not more than 4 years ago at the time of their application.

Applicants must provide:

PNGHRI will assist you build a career in human resource management. Career in HRM is one of the fastest growing professions in the world including PNG. PNGHRI has programs from diploma to master’s degree with UPNG and is considering PhD. scholarships in the near future in partnerships with other universities in both PNG and overseas. In PNG, the average pay of HR managers is K100,000 per year.

Course Duration and Timetable

Minimum duration for completion of the program is two years or 80 weeks. This program will have 10 weeks of schooling per term with one week study break and end of semester exams. It is compulsory in this program that students will have to take all the listed courses through to the end of each term.

Course Venue and Timetable

Classes are conducted during the day from 9:00am – 4:00pm daily from Monday to Thursday at the PNGHRI campus. Classes are conducted by experience professionals and accredited academics from various walks of life. As this program is a Port Moresby based program, there is no accommodation provided during the academic period. Transportation will also be provided by student themselves. 

Expression of Interest and Application Due Date 

The interested and qualified applicants should contact the PNG Human Resource Institute on the contact details provided below. 

Applications close: 05th January 2024

Download full Course Content  & Application FORM here :   Download  |  


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:    Download Course Leaflet